Friday, December 30, 2011

Tradisi Natal di Polandia

elisabeth alfrida

Sebagai negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Katolik, Natal adalah salah satu perayaan terpenting di Polandia. Tanggal 25-26 Desember dinyatakan sebagai hari libur resmi Polandia dan selama 2 hari ini, semua toko dan pusat perbelanjaan pun tutup. Kota-kota besar di Polandia pun terasa makin sepi, seperti di Warsawa ini, karena beberapa hari sebelumnya orang-orang Polandia sudah banyak yang pulang kampung untuk berkumpul dengan keluarganya (iya, pulang kampung alias mudik! Siapa bilang tradisi mudik cuma ada di Indonesia…)

Ini karena sebenarnya tradisi Natal yang utama di Polandia bukanlah perayaan pada hari Natal tanggal 25 Desember itu sendiri, melainkan pada malam Natal (Christmas eve) sehari sebelumnya. Pada tanggal 24 Desember, orang-orang Polandia berkumpul bersama keluarganya untuk merayakan tradisi malam Natal yang disebut Wigilia (dibacanya: Vigilia).
Momen Wigilia ini bukanlah sekedar jamuan makan malam biasa, namun ada kekhususannya. Meja makan ditutup dengan taplak putih dan dibawah taplak seringkali ditaruh beberapa jerami sebagai simbol palungan tempat Kristus dilahirkan. Juga selalu ada 1 kursi makan tambahan yang disiapkan bila sewaktu-waktu ada tamu atau orang asing yang tiba-tiba datang karena mencari makan atau tempat menginap. Tidak ada orang yang seharusnya sendirian pada malam Natal ini, begitu kata tradisi Polandia.

Sesuai tradisi, menu dalam hidangan Wigilia biasanya terdiri dari 12 masakan namun tidak boleh dari daging. Banyak banget ya harus 12 macam makanan… pantesan nini-nini (babcia) Polandia itu pintar masak! Menu yang populer disajikan adalah sup jamur atau bit, uszka (semacam dumpling/pastel isi jamur), pierogi (isinya bisa macam-macam: bisa sauerkraut, jamur, keju atau buah), ikan (biasanya ikan karp – baca catatan saya sebelumnya: “Ini Saatnya Berburu Ikan Karp“), ikan herring, mie dengan poppyseed, kue jahe dan semacam kolak dari buah kering. Ngebayanginnya saja sudah kenyang, apalagi menghabiskannya ya? Ternyata dalam hal perayaan-perayaan tradisional, orang Polandia itu mirip dengan orang Indonesia: pasti banyak makanan yang siap tersedia!

Sebelum menyantap makan malam, semua orang akan memegang opłatek (dibacanya: opuwatek), semacam wafer putih tipis. Sekilas bentuknya mirip hosti di misa-misa Katolik, tetapi oplatek ini bukanlah hosti melainkan hanya simbol dari a shared meal. Setiap orang kemudian bergantian mengucapkan harapan/doa Natal mereka sambil saling memecahkan sedikit opłatek satu sama lain. Biasanya opłatek untuk malam Natal ini didapat dari gereja sehabis ibadah; meskipun tidak dijual dengan harga tertentu tetapi orang-orang biasanya memberikan donasi kecil ke gereja sebagai gantinya. Begitu populernya opłatek ini saat Wigilia, sehingga orang-orang Polandia kadang kala menyelipkan secuil opłatek di kartu Natal yang mereka kirim sebagai simbol berbagi jamuan malam Natal dengan saudara/keluarga mereka di luar negeri.

Apabila sudah selesai menyantap hidangan, acara biasanya dilanjutkan dengan bernyanyi lagu-lagu Natal (semacam Christmas carol) yang disebut kolędy dan membuka kado-kado Natal, utamanya untuk anak-anak. Tetapi berbeda dengan di Amerika, peran Santa Claus tidak menonjol di Polandia – jadi kado-kado Natal tersebut tidak disebutkan berasal dari Santa Claus. Setelah itu, banyak orang yang menyempatkan pergi ke gereja untuk mengikuti Misa Natal Tengah Malam (biasanya sampai jam 2 dini hari). Tidak heran, ujung-ujungnya orang-orang Polandia telat bangun justru pada saat hari Natalnya

Sepinya Natalan di Warsawa…

Seru ya mendengar tradisi Natal di Polandia ini. Sayangnya semua itu tidak saya alami (saya cuma baca dan dengar cerita teman yang menikah dengan orang Polandia), karena saya tidak punya saudara/kerabat orang Polandia yang mengundang saya ikut Wigilia selama saya hidup di Warsawa ini, hiks…

Jadilah yang saya alami selama 4x Natalan di Warsawa adalah kota sepi tanpa kehidupan, bahkan lebih sepi dari kota Jakarta ketika Lebaran. Semua toko/pusat hiburan tutup, jalanan kosong melompong karena orang-orang pada mudik, dan cuaca di bulan Desember yang dingin dan mendung semakin menambah kelabu kota ini. Tambah sedih karena tidak ada ibadah Natal di gereja internasional (gereja berbahasa Inggris untuk orang asing) pada tanggal 25 Desember-nya. Kebanyakan keluarga ekspatriat pada liburan Natal memang memilih berlibur pulang ke negaranya sampai tahun baru.

Di Warsawa ini memang lebih meriah saat menjelang Natal, dengan adanya Christmas Sale atau Christmas Market – tetapi itu semua tutup sejak sehari sebelum Natal (pada tanggal 24 Desember, biasanya toko-toko hanya buka sampai jam 4 sore). Kalau ada yang ingin mengalami White Christmas di Polandia, yah belum tentu juga saljunya turun saat Christmas – seperti 3 tahun terakhir ini saljunya nggak pernah turun tuh pada saat Natal. Pokoknya jauh deh dari bayangan kemeriahan Natal di luar negeri seperti yang diceritakan di film-film. Jadi siapa bilang Natal di Eropa lebih indah daripada di tanah air ?!?

Friday, November 4, 2011


It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe
elisabeth alfrida
I don’t want to miss out on the holiday
But I can’t stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

Everyone’s gathering around the fire
Chestnuts roasting like it’s hot tonight
I should be chilling with my folks I know
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

Word on the street Santa it’s coming tonight,
Reindeer’s flying to the sky so high
I should be making a list I know
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

The Wise men follow the star
Wise men follow the star
The way I follow my heart
And it led me to a miracle.
Don’t you buy me nothing,
Cause I am feeling one thing
Your lips on my lips
That’s a very, merry Christmas

It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Lights through the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

I don’t want to miss out on the holiday
But I can’t stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

Kiss me underneath the mistletoe
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe
Show me baby that you love me so
Ohhhh, ohhh, yeahh
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe

Friday, October 28, 2011

Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda

Youth Pledge

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia,
acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia,
acknowledge one nation, the nation of
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia,
respect the language of unity, Indonesian.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I would march across the desert to defeat
my enemy
And I would lie here in the trenches with
your picture next to me
And when I told you it's forever, then it's
how its gonna be
Don't, won't let him just take the place of me
Does he really know you like I know you, all
the little things?
Does he really love you, like I love you, how
can he compete?
If he makes me fight for you, die for you,
would he do the same?
This is turning into way more than a game..
Now it feels like soldiers in a war and none
of us are backing down
And I will show you victory is mine before
we leave this battleground
Cause he don't wanna leave, and I don't
wanna go
And I know just how this battle goes
He don't wanna leave and I don't wanna
fight this kind of war
You know he's not the man you think he is;
he's hiding all his flaws
So tell me what's the point of fighting?
Because we'll all end up with scars
But girl if that's what I must go through,
then I'm not prepared to lose
Cause I've already bled so much for you
Does he really know you like I know you, all
the little things?
Does he really love you, like I love you, how
can he compete?
If he makes me fight for you, I die for you,
would he do the same?
Baby this is turning into way more than a
Baby cause we're soldiers in a war and
none of us are backing down
And I will show you victory is mine before
we leave this battleground
Cause he don't wanna leave, and I don't
wanna go
And I know just how this battle goes
He don't wanna leave and I don't wanna
fight this kind of war (No, No..)
Getting kind of sick of this battle
Wish I could take it back to when I had you
I'm always thinking that I can have you, just
let him have you
It's getting kinda hard to convince you
After all the shit that we've been through
Why would you let all this happen?
You gotta choice to make it stop
It's already going too far..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Super Junior Quotes

elisabeth alfrida
elisabeth alfrida

  • if you love yourself, you can love other - Kangin

  • I ate your love for me,causing me to get drugged and addicted - Kyuhyun

  • altough i dont have chance to share every small moment, inside my heart Super Junior is still exist as family - Kibum
  • if Yesung hyung behind you, it just feel ... weird - Siwon
  • " Just shut up and listen to me" - Heechul
  • try your best everyday - Hangeng
  • life is... happiness. Happiness is... the fact that i can do something right now - Dongha
  • it's not an END but an AND - Leeteuk

Sunday, October 16, 2011

yesterday , today and tomorrow

"O" pd OPPORTUNITY berarti kesempatan
Pd kata YESTERDAY ga ada huruf "O" artinya:
KEMARIN, udh ga ada kesempatan lg
Pd kata TODAY hnya ada 1 huruf "O" artinya:
HARI INI msh ada 1 kesempatan
Pd kata TOMORROW ada 3 huruf "O" yg
besok msh ada bnyk kesempatan
Jd apapun kegagalan yg prnah kmu dpt,
yakinlah bahwa msh ada
kesempatan tuk 'BERUBAH' dgn HARAPAN yg
elisabeth alfrida

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Clear As Day

Scotty McCreery

You were sitting on that silverado bumper
Outside our locker room after the game
Glowing in the tan you got that summer
And I walked by and you said ‘hey’
And that night’s still Clear As Day

First time we ever be beat East Lincoln county
Big party down at Ricky Bowman’s place
You walked up and threw your arms around me
You whispered you loved to watch me play
Yeah that night’s still Clear As Day

elisabeth alfrida

There ain’t one second times erased
Every detail is still in place
You hold on to what you love
Some things never fade
And that night’s still Clear As Day

We went to catch some fresh air on the back porch
And I slid my class ring to the cross on your gold chain
And you backed my back against those cedar clapboards
And my lips ain’t never been kissed that way
And that night’s still Clear As Day

There ain’t one second times erased
Every detail is still in place
You hold on to what you love
Some things never fade

I walked you to your brother’s silverado
When he climbed behind the wheel and said okay
Last thing you said is I’ll call you tomorrow
But that’s a call you never got to make
They blamed it on the fog and pouring rain
That night’s still Clear As Day

From twitter

Love is because you need it & you cant live without it. Lust is because you want it & the temptation attracts you to it.

The only way to cover up a lie is with another lie. It's a never-ending cycle, just don't go there.

Someone who really loves you sticks with you through all of the ups and downs.

Be grateful and work with what you have right in front of you.

elisabeth alfrida


  • Even tough so many people helped me a lot, but I really want to thanking E.L.F" -Yesung

  • "I always think, if there's no Super Junior, what am I do right now?" -Yesung

  • Yesung is a sensitive person, especially while he sleeps. He’ll wake up for anyone who turns on the lights

  • "My favorite moment is when ELF fulfilled the place where Super Junior will perform" -Yesung

  • DongHae's girlfriend (now ex) when he was in 2nd year of high school wasn't his classmate. Hae knew her through friends.

  • "If I like the person, I’ll definitely hold her hand, and want to kiss her ~ I’m quite open actually" -Donghae

  • According to Teuki, cats are arrogant , but dogs, they will come over when you call them, unlike cats.

Club Can't Handle Me

Flo Rida feat David Guetta

You know I know how
To make ‘em stop and stare as I zone out
The club can’t even handle me right now
Watchin you watchin me I go all out
The club can’t even handle me right now
(Yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah)
The club can’t even handle me right now
(Yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah)
elisabeth alfrida
Haha, can’t nothin handle me right now!
I see you D-Guetta!!! Lets get em!!

I own the light and I don’t need no help
Gotta be the feeling that scarface player
Stuntin go wild can’t handle this plan
Life of the club arrogant like yeah!
Top like money so the girls just melt
One too many they all know me like twelve
Look like cash and they all just stare
Bottles, Models, standin on chairs

Fall out cuz that’s the business
All out it’s so ridiculous
Zone out so much attention
Scream out! I’m in the building (hey!)
They watchin, I know this!
I’m rockin, I’m rolling!
I’m holding, I know it, you know it!

You know I know how
To make ‘em stop and stare as I zone out
The club can’t even handle me right now
Watchin you watchin me I go all out
The club can’t even handle me right now
(Yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah)
The club can’t even handle me right now
(Yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah, yeah yeeaaaaah)

Still feelin myself I’m like outta control
Can’t stop now more shots lets go
Ten more rounds can I get a Kato
Paparazzi trying to make me pose
Came to party till I came no more
Celebrate cuz that’s all I know
Tip the groupies takin off their clothes
Grand finale like superbowl
Go, hard! I run the show
That’s right wild I’ve got money to blow
More lights, more ice when I walk in the door
No hype do it big all over the globe

I said it!
Go tell it!
Who ready?
I’m ready!
You ready?
Lets get it!

You know I know how
To make em stop and stare as I zone out
The club can’t even handle me right now
Watchin you watchin me I go all out
The club can’t even handle me right now
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
The club can’t even handle me right now
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)

You got me watchin now (hey!)
Got my attention now (hey!)
Got everybody in the club wanting to know now
I am a ladies man
Come and be my lady friend
We can both, zone, out!
Bring ya body here let me switch up your atmosphere
I’ll take you outta the club and up in my new lim’
Fly you all around the world
(What)’chu want, baby girl?
Are you ready to go? Now!

You know I know how
To make em stop and stare as I zone out
The club can’t even handle me right now
Watchin you watchin me I go all out
The club can’t even handle me right now
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
The club can’t even handle me right now (Putch’yo, putch’yo hands up!)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Lets celebrate now! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
Putch’yo hands up! (Yeah, yeeaaaaah)
You know who shut it down!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Super Junior - Superman

Heyyyy.. SJ like this!


naega sesangeseo hanabakke eomneun geurobeseo meotjige chumeul chugo
yunikeu han eurpjoribeul halttae

sesang modeun yojeongdeuri naege
banhae banhae naegero
dallyeowa dallyeowa dallyeowa
i sunganeul hamkke jeulgyeobolkka

jinjihage joyonghage nareul saranghaejun saramdeureul naneun gamdongsikyeo

gwaenhi heoseburigo soljikhaji motago naege geureon sunganiragoneun eobseotda

urin gyumodo choego
seugeildo choego
mwodeunji choegoga animyeon andwae
syupeojinieoneun wollae maen jaman ppajin ireumhamyeo himsen dori syupeomaen

yeolgeongdo choego
jeongsillyeokdo choego
nuga uril gamhi kkeureonael tenga
syupeojinieoneun wollae maen jaman ppajin ireumhamyeo himsen dori syupeomaen


ja ja ja daeum nugu

geureoge waedeul geureoke dwireul dorabona
yeogi inneunde na dodaeche nugureul chatneun geoya
naega sindong

haneure byeoreulttada julkka
se bwa han gae du gae se gae
urineun wollae irheobeorin byeoreul hapchyeo
byeori yeol se gae

georeochiman na urin oeropji anha
urin SM FAMILYrang yojeongdeuri itji annna

jujeohajima aesseo oemyeon hajima
imi chwihaebeorin geudaen syupeo hollik

norael bolleo bwa ijen chumeul ttarahae
gachi sinnage eolssigujeolssigu

urin gyumodo choego
seugeildo choego
mwodeunji choegoga animyeon andwae
syupeojinieoneun wollae maen jaman ppajin ireumhamyeo himsen dori syupeomaen

yeolgeongdo choego
jeongsillyeokdo choego
nuga uril gamhi kkeureonael tenga
syupeojinieoneun wollae maen jaman ppajin ireumhamyeo himsen dori syupeomaen

mami uljeok halttae norael deutgo sipeulttae
giboneul dallaejul mwonga pillyohalttae uriga gyeote isseo
inneun jimkkeot oechyeobwa

Super Junior
We are super super superman

doege simsimhaldae inteonet geomsaekhalttae
syupeo jaman chimyeon nawa
jureureuk jureureuk jureureuk

eonjena gyeote isseo
sori jilleo oechyeobwa

Super Junior
We are super super superman

geogi amudo mollajwodo
maeil choesyeoneul dahae ganda

nuguda nuguda nuguda haedo
girogi malhaejunda

hamkke geotneun giri birok heomnan haljirado
gyeolguk syupeojunieo

Lirik Lagu Super Junior Superman versi English

When i am coolly dancing in the group that’s one of a kind in the world and uniquely moving the world

All the elfs in the world fall fall fall for me
Run run run to me
Let’s rejoice in this moment together

I (emotionally) touch those people that have genuinely, quietly loved me

There haven’t been moments where i’ve said useless things or not been truthful

Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say we’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’

Now, now, now, who is it?

So why do all of you look back when i am right here
Who the hell are you looking for
I am Shindong

Should I pluck the stars for you, count them
One, two, three
With the stars we’ve lost
We are thirteen stars

But we are not lonely, we have SM family and ELF

don’t be disappointed, don’t judge/betray us
you have already become drunk by the super holic

Try singing the song, and now even follow the dance
Let’s get excited together

Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say we’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’

When your heart is sad, when you want to listen to a song,
When you need something to lift your spirits up,
We are next to you, let’s all come together

Super Junior
We are super super superman

When you’re very bored and surfing the internet, if you just type in ‘super’ our results will come come out
We are always by your side
Scream it out

Super Junior
We are super super superman

Even if they don’t know of us, we try our best every day

If they question who who who we are, we show them our results

Even if the road we walk is barren,
We are in the end, Super Junior

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Babak ke 2 go Indonesia!!

Menuju Pra PD*Menuju Pra PD*

Indonesia vs Bahrain

semalam indonesia kalah ya? Gak masalah mungkin dewi fortuna memang belum memihak kepada timnas kita...nyantai aja......

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_Mr.Simple_MUSICVIDEO

Because you naughty, naughty, hey! Mr. Simple
Because you naughty, naughty,SUJU ganda!

Sesang-ee nae mamdaero ahn dwendago hwaman naemyuhn geuruhl piryo uhbji
siwonGuhkjuhngdo paljada jageun ire nuhmoo yuhnyuhnhaji malja mome johji anha

Suhngjuhgi johaddaga nappadaga geuruhn guhji mwuh heung! Shiljuhgi olladdaga dduhruhjyuhdda geuruhn ddaedo ijji
Uhjjuhmyuhn gwaenchanha swiuh ganeun guhtdo joha modeun guhshi ddae ddae ddae ddae ddaega inneun guhnikka

Geudaega namjaramyuhn chingool manna sool han jane tuhruhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright
Geudaega yuhjaramyuhn chingool manna sooda dduhruh nallyuhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright

SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)

super junior
Gaja gaja uhsuh gaja makyuhsseul ddaen doragaja golchi apa jukkeddamyuhn oneul harooman nolgo boja
Ahn geuraedo guhchin sesang jooguhra ddwimyuhn naman jichyuh gidaryuhbwa ahkkyuhdwuh bwa nuhui nari god oltenikka

Blow your mind gara Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha dooryuhwuh malgo
Blow your mind gaja Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha joonbi dwaejjanha

Sok ssuhkneun iri han doo gaji anin sesange woorin sara geuguhn aedo ara
Mwuh iruhke uhryupna woori jal muhkgo jal jago ddo jarhamyuhn geuruhke hamyuhn dweji

Geudaega hwaga namyuhn chingool manna dwitdamhwaro pooruhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright
Geudaega gweropdamyuhn norae boolluh sori jilluh nallyuhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright

Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)

LEETEUK) Jayooran ge mwuh geuri byuhlguh inna
DONGHAE) Just get it Get it
LEETEUK) Sosohan iltarui jaemi
RYEOWOOK) Doongdoongdoong koongkoongkoong
SHINDONG) Sarainneun geudael neukkigo shipna
DONGHAE) Just grab it Grab it
SHINDONG) Gaseum ddwineun nae kkoongdeurui yegi
RYEOWOOK) Doongdoongdoong koongkoongkoong
SJ) (Because you naughty, naughty)

Ije guhkjuhng hajima apen joheun nari ol guhya shimgakhan yegin da dwiro mirwuhdoogo
Oneureun balkge woosuhbwa geudaeui hwanhan wooseume modoo giboon jihajyuh

Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)

Gaja gaja uhsuh gaja makyuhsseul ddaen doragaja golchi apa juggeddamyuhn oneul harooman nolgo boja
Ahn geuraedo guhchin sesang jooguhra ddwimyuhn naman jichyuh gidaryuhbwa ahkkyuhdwuh bwa nuhui nari god oltenikka

Blow your mind gara Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha dooryuhwuh malgo
Blow your mind gaja Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha joonbi dwaejjanha

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

When Beauty Means Pain

Mantan miss Arngentina Solange Magnano, meninggal dunia karena kegemarannya melakukan bedah plastik untuk memperindah bagian tubuhnya seperti bokong, dan payudara.

Akibat kegemaran ekstrimya itu, suatu saat ia pun menjadi korban mall praktek hingga meninggal dunia. Selain kasus Solange, masih banyak kasus kematian perempuan yang melakukan extrem-treatment atas keinginannya sendiri.
Untuk kasus tertentu, melakukan extren-treatment memang merupakan pilihan terakhir yang harus dilakukan kalau kita dihadapkan pada situasi yang betul-betul membutuhkan prtolongan tersebut.

Yang termasuk dalam Extrem- Treatment adalah...

Plastic Surgery

Menurut survei para ahlimedis sedunia,operasi plastik menempati posisis pertama sebagai extrem treatment. Menurut sejarahnya, pada sekitar abad ke-10, bedah plastik memang digunakan untuk memperbaiki penampilan orang akibat perang, cacat lahir, atay cacat akibat kecelakaan. Namun, mulai abad ke-19 kebutuhan bedah plastik jadi berubah. Banyak orang menjadikan bedah plastik sebagai jalan pintas untuk menutupi kekurangan penampilan atau bermimpi menjadi cantik sempurna. Padahal resiko yang dihadapi dari bedah plastik pin sederet, mulai dari resiko ringan seperti memar dan bilur, bengkak pada bagian yang dioperasi hingga resiko berat seperti infeksi hingga kematian.

Atau lebih dikenal dengan sedot lemak adalah tindakan untuk mengurabgi jumlah lemak dalam tubuh dengan cara melubangi kulit hingga tembus dibagian lemak, kemudian menyedotnya dengan vakum yang disebut kanul. Teknik sedok lemak yang paling populer adalah Tumescent Technicque, yaitu melakukan sedot lemak dengan bius lokal. Cairan bius yang digunakan dibatasi maksimal 2500cc dan lemak yang diambil tidak boleh lebih dari 2500cc dalam satu kali bedak. Tapi dalam prakteknya, tidak jarang ada pasien yang justru minta agar lemak yang diambil melebihi batas. Karena dipikir, semakin banyak lemak diambil semakin cepat pula tubuhnya mengecilpadahal itu justru sangat berbahaya. Salon - salon kecil yang melakukan ilegal, biasanya menuruti saja permintaan pasiennya. Hasilny tentu saja mal praktek


Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation adalah sinar hasil kejut atom yang bertenaga tinggi, yang dapat merusak sel maupun menghalau penyakit tertentu, tanpa melukai kulit. Karena kelebihannya tersebut, sinar Laser juga bisa digunakan untuk mengurangi bekas luka pada kulit dalam dunia kecantikan. Tapi hanya ahli Dermatologi dan justru bukan ahli kecantikan yang boleh menggunakan penyinaran Laser. Dalam kasus survey, remaja yang minta ditindakan Laser biasanya bermasalah dengan bekas - bekas jerawat pada wajah. Padahal kulit remaja sebenarnya tidak membutuhkan tindakan seperti itu karena kulit remaja akan terus berkembang.

Slimming Pills

Kadangkala, obsesi menjadi langsing membuat sesorang mengambil jalan pintas dengan minum obat-obatan pelangsing, tanpa konsultasi ke dokter terlebih dahulu. Apalagi sekarang banyak dijual secara luas obat-obatan yang berfungsi menurunkan lemak dalam tubuh. Tidak semua obat pelangsing punya efek yang memuaskan bagi penggunanya. Salah satunya, kamu bisa kena efek sampingnya seperti, sakit kepala, badan gemetar, jantung berdebar cepat, diare dam maag akut.


Ini merupakan metode pngobatan dari Cina dengan cara menstimulasi titik tertentu pada tubuh untuk mempertahankan kondisi kesehatan. Metode yang sudah dikenalkan sejak ribuan tahun lalu ini sebenarnya boleh-boleh saja digunakan untuk perawatan kecantikan seperti menghilangkan jerawat atau melangsing tubuh. Tapi kita perlu waspada terhadap jarum yang digunakan, jika jarum yang digunakan tidak steril, kita bisa tertular penyakit hepatitis, atau HIV/AIDS.

* Amel C

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Komodo Real Wonder

malam ini #KomodoRealWonder jadi treding topic di Twitter, sehubungan dengan adanya pemilihan 7 Keajaiban Alam Dunia.

New7Wonders today announces the following important decisions concerning the participation of Komodo in the Official New7Wonders of Nature campaign:

1. Voting for Komodo continues as an authorized Finalist in the Official New7Wonders of Nature campaign.

2. New7Wonders removes the Ministry of Culture and Tourism from its status as Official Supporting Committee for Komodo in the New7Wonders of Nature campaign.

Outlining these decisions, Bernard Weber, President and Founder of New7Wonders, says: "Every action by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism last week strengthened the case for us to withdraw from Indonesia completely. If we depended on the Ministry, then today we would be forced to announce a complete pull-out." "Fortunately, in the past days we have received many encouraging and supporting requests from the public and leading individuals to allow Komodo to continue as a Finalist in the Official New7Wonders of Nature," says Weber, adding: "As New7Wonders is the world's first and largest global voting platform, these voices are important to us."

He emphasizes: "The main news today is this: with the removal of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism from its official role in the campaign, voting for Komodo can continue."

Bernard Weber points out: "Normally, we would have expected the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, as our then-designated New7Wonders Official Supporting Committee, to act responsibly, to honour its many pledges regarding Jakarta becoming the Official Host for the Declaration of the New7Wonders of Nature on 11.11.11. The Ministry's role should have been to support us, and to lead the search for a solution to honour the legally binding contract for New7Wonders Official Host, signed in December 2010 with a leading Indonesian Private Consortium — a consortium endorsed by the Ministry in the first place. Instead, they have reacted with malicious misinformation, invented financial commitments and prejudicial action to cover up for an apparent lack of moral responsibility and duty. In my view, with this behaviour, the Ministry has also reduced the chances for Indonesia to host other major global events that create goodwill in the world, such as the Olympics or the World Cup."

Regarding the removal of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism from its official status in the New7Wonders of Nature campaign, Bernard Weber states: "Under the legal terms of the Participation Agreement, we have the ultimate right to withdraw or modify the status of any participant, and in the case of Komodo the evidence clearly points to the unsuitability of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as our authorised New7Wonders Official Supporting Committee, and therefore this status is revoked with immediate effect. This removal allows us to keep Komodo in the campaign."

Bernard Weber declares: "Once we again see it is possible to do business legally safely in Indonesia, we will consider appropriate associations or foundations or other official bodies to take over the role of New7Wonders Official Supporting Committee for Komodo. As of today, all official promotional activities for Komodo as a Finalist in the New7Wonders of Nature campaign must be directly authorized by New7Wonders until further notice."

He concludes: "In the matter of the pending issues for the legally binding contract for the Official Host, New7Wonders will continue to act to ensure the full recognition of its legal rights, and it expects the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to be fully accountable to the Indonesian people it represents for its moral obligations in this regard."

Friday, July 29, 2011

The world's top ten weird diseases

Lymphatic filariasis can be instantly recognizable from the shape of the foot or arm with an enlarged. The disease is caused by parasitic worms, including Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and B. timori, all transmitted by mosquitoes. This disease has struck more than 120 million people in the world. When an infected female mosquito bites a person, the larvae, called microfilariae spread in the bloodstream, the larvae can live for many years. the effects of this disease often only comes after a year are infected.

elsy alfrida
Progeria is caused by a small error in the genetic code of the child, but it has to destroy and transform lives. The average child born with this disease will die at the age of 13, because their bodies are aging more quickly such as baldness, heart disease, weakened bones and arthritis. Fortunately, this disease is very rare, only about 48 people who develop the disease worldwide, but there is a family of 5 children who all have this disease.

elsy alfrida

Werewolf Syndrome
When the hair begins to grow at face 2-year-old boy named Abys DeJesus, doctors immediately recognize the symptoms as Human Werewolf Syndrome.Penyakit is called werewolf syndrome because people with this disease throughout his body will grow hair like werewolves (of course without the sharp teeth and claws ).

elsy alfrida

Blue Skin Disorder
A large family known as the `blue 'people living in the hills around Troublesome Creek in Kentucky until the 1960s. Blue Fugates they are, most of them live to age 80 years, they have no serious illness, only the blue colored skin, the disease is passed on from generation to generation. people with this disease his skin is blue, plum, or almost purple.

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People who in the diagnosis of this disease have a need to eat non-food substances such as soil, paper, glue and clay. although it is associated with mineral deficiency, health experts have found the exact cause and cure for this disorder.

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Vampire Disease
There are some people who when out of the house always avoid the sun if their skin is exposed to the sun so their skin will blister melepuh.Beberapa even though new direct sunlight. they are not vampires do not drink blood and sleep in coffins, they just have a rare disease that has symptoms like the blood sucking it.

elsy alfrida

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Micropsia is a condition that affects the perception of human vision. the object will seem smaller than in reality, it is generally the object perceived appears far away or extremely close at the time bersamaan.Untuk example, a dog will look for a mouse or the car will be shrunk to scale. These conditions are associated with perception, the brain process information rather than errors because the structure of the patient's damaged eye.

elsy alfrida

Blaschko’s Lines
Disease one is super rare and unexplained, was first introduced in 1901 by dermatologists from Germany named Alfred Blaschko's. The disease has no symptoms that can be predicted, the effects of this disease is the emergence of V in the spine or S on the chest and abdomen .

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Walking Corpse Syndrome
A syndrome is caused by mental stress in which the patient complained of a loss of some body or whole body. often they felt they had died and become a walking corpse. These fantasies are usually grown, that patients can smell his rotting flesh or feel the worms crawling dikulitnya. These events can occur in people who lack sleep or suffer from mental illness due to consumption of amphetamine / cocaine
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Jumping Frenchman Disorder

Patients with this disease should not be startled by a noise or an unexpected vision. A normal person would look when there is noise or something behind us. But people with this disease will issue a strange reflex actions such as hitting his arm, hitting his face, or talk over and over again the same words.