Lymphatic filariasis can be instantly recognizable from the shape of the foot or arm with an enlarged. The disease is caused by parasitic worms, including Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and B. timori, all transmitted by mosquitoes. This disease has struck more than 120 million people in the world. When an infected female mosquito bites a person, the larvae, called microfilariae spread in the bloodstream, the larvae can live for many years. the effects of this disease often only comes after a year are infected.

Progeria is caused by a small error in the genetic code of the child, but it has to destroy and transform lives. The average child born with this disease will die at the age of 13, because their bodies are aging more quickly such as baldness, heart disease, weakened bones and arthritis. Fortunately, this disease is very rare, only about 48 people who develop the disease worldwide, but there is a family of 5 children who all have this disease.

When the hair begins to grow at face 2-year-old boy named Abys DeJesus, doctors immediately recognize the symptoms as Human Werewolf Syndrome.Penyakit is called werewolf syndrome because people with this disease throughout his body will grow hair like werewolves (of course without the sharp teeth and claws ).

A large family known as the `blue 'people living in the hills around Troublesome Creek in Kentucky until the 1960s. Blue Fugates they are, most of them live to age 80 years, they have no serious illness, only the blue colored skin, the disease is passed on from generation to generation. people with this disease his skin is blue, plum, or almost purple.

People who in the diagnosis of this disease have a need to eat non-food substances such as soil, paper, glue and clay. although it is associated with mineral deficiency, health experts have found the exact cause and cure for this disorder.

There are some people who when out of the house always avoid the sun if their skin is exposed to the sun so their skin will blister melepuh.Beberapa even though new direct sunlight. they are not vampires do not drink blood and sleep in coffins, they just have a rare disease that has symptoms like the blood sucking it.

Micropsia is a condition that affects the perception of human vision. the object will seem smaller than in reality, it is generally the object perceived appears far away or extremely close at the time bersamaan.Untuk example, a dog will look for a mouse or the car will be shrunk to scale. These conditions are associated with perception, the brain process information rather than errors because the structure of the patient's damaged eye.

Disease one is super rare and unexplained, was first introduced in 1901 by dermatologists from Germany named Alfred Blaschko's. The disease has no symptoms that can be predicted, the effects of this disease is the emergence of V in the spine or S on the chest and abdomen .

A syndrome is caused by mental stress in which the patient complained of a loss of some body or whole body. often they felt they had died and become a walking corpse. These fantasies are usually grown, that patients can smell his rotting flesh or feel the worms crawling dikulitnya. These events can occur in people who lack sleep or suffer from mental illness due to consumption of amphetamine / cocaine
Jumping Frenchman Disorder
Jumping Frenchman Disorder
Patients with this disease should not be startled by a noise or an unexpected vision. A normal person would look when there is noise or something behind us. But people with this disease will issue a strange reflex actions such as hitting his arm, hitting his face, or talk over and over again the same words.

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