Sunday, March 29, 2015

Selamat Hari Filateli Nasional

elisabeth alfrida

Selamat Hari Filateli Nasional!

Sebelumya, apakah kata Filateli terdengar cukup familiar? Atau mungkin ada yang baru mendengar istilah ini?? Oke! Mari kita jelaskan terlebih dahulu apa itu Filateli.

Kata filateli sebelumnya ditulis philateli berasal dari bahasa Yunani; philos dan ateleia. Philos  berarti teman dan ateleia berarti bebas bea. Secara harafiah, filateli dapat diartikan membebaskan teman atau kawan dari bea pos. Perwujudan dari pembebasan bea pos itu adalah dengan berupa prangko yang telah dibayar oleh pengirim dan dilekatkan pada amplop surat sebagai bukti pembayaran. Selanjutnya, sebagai bukti pelunasan, pihak kantor pos akan menandai prangko tersebut dengan memberi cap tanggal pos.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Time of Our Lives

elisabeth alfrida 
Hi there... Its me Elisabeth Alfrida is back after long time hiatus hahahaha!!!

Here some pictures during my hiatus time ...

one beautiful morning in February

spent the night to make my hanging lamp

Sing songs with the good people 

After the Sholikatun's graduation

I officially miss this place

I also like to take a selfie


This is what i did in my relax time. Renew my room wall with a papers of magazine 


Yellow Bird

its a clear day
we have a trip to Kutai Lama, Kutai Kartanegara in 17th January 2015. Even the clouds are grey we always happy

Bukit Teletubis

Dermaga Kutai Lama

the sixth day of a march we have trip to Kutai Kartanegara's capital city, Tenggarong.  The place that we've visit called Creative Park. Located in the shore of Mahakam river - the biggest river in Indonesia


Every time and everywhere, our smartphone always ready to share our activities...

The're going mad if they know I already published these photos. "Oh my God, Look at my face!!!"

Two days after trip in Tenggarong, we continued the adventure around Samarinda, Bengkuring.

11 march 2015 we took a pictures in Talangsari Regency...

Thanks to may Converse Orys III to follow me everywhere I've go..